Last night the power went out at our apartment complex because of a converter blowing (Or something technical like that, my husband could explain it much better). So we spent the evening in the dark, with the occasional candle and cell phone for light. Instead of stewing in the darkness, we got some raspberry plants from my friend's inlaws, then went to bed.
So far today, it's been fairly laid back. That same friend that I usually exercise with got attacked by a vicious migrane, so instead of going out to exercise, I did the dishes. For over an hour. Yeah... I'd been neglecting the poor things. Nearly every dish was dirty. There are still a few more that need washing, but I ran out of room and didn't feel like drying them.
Thankfully, my friend gave me homework in cases such as these- practice all of the18 things she's taught me in karate so far, and do 50 leg-lifts and 50 crunches. I got all but the leg-lifts done currently, and plan to do those before the day is over. Probably when I get tired of writing the essay I'm procrastinating...
I've also taken this lovely procrastination time to read a few articles about health and weight loss. Two of which are written by one of my friends:
The first is about Detox:
The second is about healthy eating tips:
And for future reference:
I think after this first week, I'll be making a blog post once a week to give updates to my friends and family. I may post more often but I don't plan on it being a report on this goal every single time.
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