Last night the power went out at our apartment complex because of a converter blowing (Or something technical like that, my husband could explain it much better). So we spent the evening in the dark, with the occasional candle and cell phone for light. Instead of stewing in the darkness, we got some raspberry plants from my friend's inlaws, then went to bed.
So far today, it's been fairly laid back. That same friend that I usually exercise with got attacked by a vicious migrane, so instead of going out to exercise, I did the dishes. For over an hour. Yeah... I'd been neglecting the poor things. Nearly every dish was dirty. There are still a few more that need washing, but I ran out of room and didn't feel like drying them.
Thankfully, my friend gave me homework in cases such as these- practice all of the18 things she's taught me in karate so far, and do 50 leg-lifts and 50 crunches. I got all but the leg-lifts done currently, and plan to do those before the day is over. Probably when I get tired of writing the essay I'm procrastinating...
I've also taken this lovely procrastination time to read a few articles about health and weight loss. Two of which are written by one of my friends:
The first is about Detox:
The second is about healthy eating tips:
And for future reference:
I think after this first week, I'll be making a blog post once a week to give updates to my friends and family. I may post more often but I don't plan on it being a report on this goal every single time.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Harry Potter Work Out
I'm as big of a nerd as many, so I decided to re-discover this work out to make me feel less guilty if I ever decide to do a marathon of these movies. I'm sure there are many people who claim to have created it in the first place, so I have no clue who to give the credit to. I can say, though, that I am the one who modified this version. I have bad knees, so I need something different than squats, lunges and jumping jacks to do, since those are all hard on the poor limbs.
Harry Potter Workout
Modified for Bad Knees
A spell is cast.........................................................................10 jumping jacks /leg-lifts/ swimmers
Anyone is awarded points......................................................10 leg lifts (full 90 deg)
Points are taken away............................................................10 swimmers
Hagrid says “I shouldn’t have said that”..................................30 jumping jacks /leg-lifts/ swimmers
A painting talks......................................................................15 crunches
Someone says “He-who-must-not-be-named”.......................10 situps
Or someone says “You-know-who”......................................10 situps
Ron says “Bloody hell”..........................................................10 Swimmers
Someone cries.......................................................................20 crunches
Someone says Voldemort......................................................5 push ups
Any pet is shown..................................................................10 Leg lifts
A ghost talks.........................................................................5 pushups
Alternatives to sit-ups and Crunches- Plank for the same amount of time.
A spell is cast.........................................................................10 jumping jacks
Anyone is awarded points.................................................................10 squats
Points are taken away.......................................................................10 lunges
Hagrid says “I shouldn’t have said that”............................30 jumping jacks
A painting talks..............................................................................15 crunches
Someone says “He-who-must-not-be-named”.................................10 situps
Or someone says “You-know-who”...................................................10 situps
Ron says “Bloody hell”.......................................................................10 lunges
Someone cries...............................................................................20 crunches
Someone says Voldemort................................................................5 push ups
Any pet is shown................................................................................10 squats
A ghost talks.....................................................................................5 pushups
Harry Potter Workout
Modified for Bad Knees
A spell is cast.........................................................................10 jumping jacks /leg-lifts/ swimmers
Anyone is awarded points......................................................10 leg lifts (full 90 deg)
Points are taken away............................................................10 swimmers
Hagrid says “I shouldn’t have said that”..................................30 jumping jacks /leg-lifts/ swimmers
A painting talks......................................................................15 crunches
Someone says “He-who-must-not-be-named”.......................10 situps
Or someone says “You-know-who”......................................10 situps
Ron says “Bloody hell”..........................................................10 Swimmers
Someone cries.......................................................................20 crunches
Someone says Voldemort......................................................5 push ups
Any pet is shown..................................................................10 Leg lifts
A ghost talks.........................................................................5 pushups
Alternatives to sit-ups and Crunches- Plank for the same amount of time.
A spell is cast.........................................................................10 jumping jacks
Anyone is awarded points.................................................................10 squats
Points are taken away.......................................................................10 lunges
Hagrid says “I shouldn’t have said that”............................30 jumping jacks
A painting talks..............................................................................15 crunches
Someone says “He-who-must-not-be-named”.................................10 situps
Or someone says “You-know-who”...................................................10 situps
Ron says “Bloody hell”.......................................................................10 lunges
Someone cries...............................................................................20 crunches
Someone says Voldemort................................................................5 push ups
Any pet is shown................................................................................10 squats
A ghost talks.....................................................................................5 pushups
Day Three- Assessment
Today I had two things set up, at 8, I did a full body assessment on campus, then at 9 I met with a personal trainer, also on campus, with my friend.
During the assessment, I found out how many sit ups I can do in a minute (66) how many push ups I can do properly in a row (8) how much I can bench press (85 lbs) and what percentage my body fat is (not putting that up, but I have 158 pounds of lean body mass if that tells you anything)
A lot of the information she gave me after the assessment I already knew, calories in, VS calories out, etc. But now that I know what my body mass is, I can more easily get to a healthy size that's specific to me. My goal of 199 is good. 175 is better. But because I'm a girl, it's better that I have about 15-20% body fat, so trying to get to 160 pounds is not likely to be healthy. Unless things change and my muscle mass goes way down. Or my bone mass. Neither would be good.
Directly after, I went to the gym and met with a trainer. We started with a warm up on a treadmill, walked for a while, stretched, then proceeded to commence the work of pain upon my arms, core and legs. An hour later, I stumbled out of the gym and walked a part of the way with my friend, then trekked up the massive hill towards my apartment. Don't get me wrong, I've walked that hill many a time, but never after nearly 2 hours of physical exertion.
Now I'm home and have to remind myself to not binge, even though I've worked hard.
During the assessment, I found out how many sit ups I can do in a minute (66) how many push ups I can do properly in a row (8) how much I can bench press (85 lbs) and what percentage my body fat is (not putting that up, but I have 158 pounds of lean body mass if that tells you anything)
A lot of the information she gave me after the assessment I already knew, calories in, VS calories out, etc. But now that I know what my body mass is, I can more easily get to a healthy size that's specific to me. My goal of 199 is good. 175 is better. But because I'm a girl, it's better that I have about 15-20% body fat, so trying to get to 160 pounds is not likely to be healthy. Unless things change and my muscle mass goes way down. Or my bone mass. Neither would be good.
Directly after, I went to the gym and met with a trainer. We started with a warm up on a treadmill, walked for a while, stretched, then proceeded to commence the work of pain upon my arms, core and legs. An hour later, I stumbled out of the gym and walked a part of the way with my friend, then trekked up the massive hill towards my apartment. Don't get me wrong, I've walked that hill many a time, but never after nearly 2 hours of physical exertion.
Now I'm home and have to remind myself to not binge, even though I've worked hard.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Day Two
So far so good. Yesterday, I kept within my calorie limit (Though I wouldn't have if I hadn't exercised. But I ate less than I have been recently, so I see that as an improvement) The one I have set for myself on Loseit is 1,763 (I have no clue why I made it that number, I set that up months ago... perhaps I should make it a different one, but... oh well.) For exercise yesterday, I walked downhill for a mile, did karate with my friend for a half hour, then hiked back up the hill for another mile, this time practicing the things she taught me as I went. Lots of fun! So that made up for the 2,284 calories I did eat.
However, according to this useful little thing:,11666,8922-1-5129-1,00.html I'm expending approximately 3,162 calories per day(based on my height, weight and that I put 30-60 minutes of daily exercise) and so my budget should be around 2,250 or 2,200. With that in mind, I did pretty well.
Yesterday I had 2/3 cup of granola and felt full after getting only a portion of the way through it. So today I'm trying 1/3 cup, which is the serving size on the bag. I finished it not long ago and I'm feeling quite satisfied. We'll see how long it lasts. Yesterday's portion lasted until lunchtime, but I may need a snack today, like an apple. It also helps that yesterday I ate a hard boiled egg with my portion, so I may do that again today.
I impressed myself in the morning and through to the early evening with my willpower, but then I went shopping. It seemed like every pastry, cookie, and even doughnut(which I'm not really fond of) looked amazing and wanted to hop into my cart. I'm happy to say the only food item, besides milk, that actually got in, was some trail mix. However, that trail mix has a bunch of white chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate and peanut butter chips that can be hazardous. So... I may be taking it back. Don't need more temptation in the house.
After I went shopping, the "munchies" attacked. They'd threatened all day, and I kept them away with more or less healthy snacks I had 2 small (about 2" by 1") home made rolls, and a slice of banana bread, that I nibbled on while I did laundry. When I got back from shopping, I polished off the tuna with veggies and crackers that I started before the event, and still wanted something to munch on. I would have just kept with water, but my willpower had been used up for the day, so I popped myself some popcorn. Oil popped popcorn is better for you than microwave because you can determine how much fattening substance goes onto the popcorn. Air pop is even better, but it's harder to get salt or anything like it, to stick. I did oil pop, and put just enough flavoring/salt to let me know it's there. Thankfully, popcorn is surprisingly low on calories for how much you can eat. 6 cups of oil popped popcorn is 330 calories. Yes, that's like a small meal. However, generally you only want to eat 2-4 cups. 2 cups is 110 calories(About the amount of calories in a medium sized apple), and 4 is 220. Not to mention it's a whole grain snack, so I didn't feel really guilty. Except that it was getting pretty late at night...
I'm not sure if I'll post in this blog every day while I do this. I'll do my best to post weekly, if nothing else. Though the more people comment, the more I'll post.
However, according to this useful little thing:,11666,8922-1-5129-1,00.html I'm expending approximately 3,162 calories per day(based on my height, weight and that I put 30-60 minutes of daily exercise) and so my budget should be around 2,250 or 2,200. With that in mind, I did pretty well.
Yesterday I had 2/3 cup of granola and felt full after getting only a portion of the way through it. So today I'm trying 1/3 cup, which is the serving size on the bag. I finished it not long ago and I'm feeling quite satisfied. We'll see how long it lasts. Yesterday's portion lasted until lunchtime, but I may need a snack today, like an apple. It also helps that yesterday I ate a hard boiled egg with my portion, so I may do that again today.
I impressed myself in the morning and through to the early evening with my willpower, but then I went shopping. It seemed like every pastry, cookie, and even doughnut(which I'm not really fond of) looked amazing and wanted to hop into my cart. I'm happy to say the only food item, besides milk, that actually got in, was some trail mix. However, that trail mix has a bunch of white chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate and peanut butter chips that can be hazardous. So... I may be taking it back. Don't need more temptation in the house.
After I went shopping, the "munchies" attacked. They'd threatened all day, and I kept them away with more or less healthy snacks I had 2 small (about 2" by 1") home made rolls, and a slice of banana bread, that I nibbled on while I did laundry. When I got back from shopping, I polished off the tuna with veggies and crackers that I started before the event, and still wanted something to munch on. I would have just kept with water, but my willpower had been used up for the day, so I popped myself some popcorn. Oil popped popcorn is better for you than microwave because you can determine how much fattening substance goes onto the popcorn. Air pop is even better, but it's harder to get salt or anything like it, to stick. I did oil pop, and put just enough flavoring/salt to let me know it's there. Thankfully, popcorn is surprisingly low on calories for how much you can eat. 6 cups of oil popped popcorn is 330 calories. Yes, that's like a small meal. However, generally you only want to eat 2-4 cups. 2 cups is 110 calories(About the amount of calories in a medium sized apple), and 4 is 220. Not to mention it's a whole grain snack, so I didn't feel really guilty. Except that it was getting pretty late at night...
I'm not sure if I'll post in this blog every day while I do this. I'll do my best to post weekly, if nothing else. Though the more people comment, the more I'll post.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Day One of New(More Like Refurbished) Goal
Many people would kill to get back to the size they were when they graduated from high school. I would kill to stay away from that size and weight. When I graduated in 2005, I was 5'8(and a half)" and 275 pounds. My driver license, which I got the same year I graduated, confirms the fact. I started college, and slowly, without really noticing it, I dropped down to 260, then to 250. I wasn't doing much different. I ate less because I had to at least partially fend for myself, instead of my parents buying all the food. I also had class AND work, rather than just school. I also had somewhat of a social life, and so was out and about doing things. I didn't need food to fill up my times when I was bored.
To put it simply, I was living a healthier lifestyle.
Now for those who are privy to nutrition and weight-loss, and especially the BMI(Body Mass Index), you would notice that my starting weight was rather... big. BMI for my height and weight during my senior year of high school was 41. That means nothing if you don't know much about BMI, so I will explain it a bit more, 18.5-24.9 is within the normal weight range for an adult. 25-29.9 is overweight. 30-34.9 is obese class one, and from 35-39.9 is obese class two. 40 and up is morbidly obese. Yeah. Not fun.
I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 2009-2010, and continued to lose weight because I had a greater incentive. Bad knees. After just a few months of being a missionary, walking around, going up and down stairs, I felt a crackle in my knees, especially when I went up stairs. Between the doctor and the physical therapist, I figured out what I needed to do. Get to a healthy weight. I fluctuated, but mostly my weight went downward whenever I stepped on the scale.
When I returned and started college again, I took a nutrition class, and learned a great deal and did wonderfully at keeping my weight down. I got as low as 216, but was more consistently at 220. Not bad, going from 275 to 220.
I hated my major. I didn't know what to switch to, so I stewed over it. I made food for my friends and roommates, they did the same for me. Social gatherings where food was involved, and my own downfall of being a social eater, made it so I slowly gained more weight back. 230 then 240, then 245.
I met Daniel, and we started dating. Summer came and went. Fall came and went. Daniel proposed to me and we planned for a wedding in April. The wedding came and went, and during the winter semester and after getting married, more weight started creeping up on me, 250, 255. Then the other day I saw 260 and nearly completely freaked out. I promised myself I would NEVER get back up to 275, and yet I was right on my way to getting there.
Here I am, two months after my wedding, going steadily towards three. I started reading more articles about exercise, and remembering the things the doctor on my mission told me to do in order to lose weight. I read a few blogs about people who lost weight to encourage myself, and today I started my new goal.
Now for my goal: I want to lose 5-10 pounds per month for at least 12 months
I want to get initially to 199 and maintain that, then keep going down until I get to 160(about 24.3 on the BMI scale), and maintain that. If I don't get down to 160, I want to at least have less than 35'' as my waist circumference.
I am currently at 257 pounds (Weighed just this morning) and can comfortably wear a size 24 jean.(which is about a 45" waistline)
The way I am going to meet my goal is to religiously enter in what I eat onto (Kind of like WeightWatchers, except for free.) and exercise 5 days a week for at least a half hour, alternating between strengthening exercises (As I've recently turned 25 and I'll lose muscle if I don't keep it up) cardio (Like walking and swimming) and things for fun.
I also plan to avoid sugar as much as possible when it is in unnatural states(I put sugary snacks in a cupboard I can only reach with a chair to help me. May put the cooking sugar there too). I also plan to cut back on my salt intake by not adding salt to food, or adding very little, and avoiding using it when I cook. I also plan to use the smallest utensil and plate/bowl available for my meals. (for example, I'm currently eating a cup of spaghetti on one of the dessert plates we have, using what my husband likes to call a "threek" which is a three pronged fork)
Support and encouragement is always welcome!
To put it simply, I was living a healthier lifestyle.
Now for those who are privy to nutrition and weight-loss, and especially the BMI(Body Mass Index), you would notice that my starting weight was rather... big. BMI for my height and weight during my senior year of high school was 41. That means nothing if you don't know much about BMI, so I will explain it a bit more, 18.5-24.9 is within the normal weight range for an adult. 25-29.9 is overweight. 30-34.9 is obese class one, and from 35-39.9 is obese class two. 40 and up is morbidly obese. Yeah. Not fun.
I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 2009-2010, and continued to lose weight because I had a greater incentive. Bad knees. After just a few months of being a missionary, walking around, going up and down stairs, I felt a crackle in my knees, especially when I went up stairs. Between the doctor and the physical therapist, I figured out what I needed to do. Get to a healthy weight. I fluctuated, but mostly my weight went downward whenever I stepped on the scale.
When I returned and started college again, I took a nutrition class, and learned a great deal and did wonderfully at keeping my weight down. I got as low as 216, but was more consistently at 220. Not bad, going from 275 to 220.
I hated my major. I didn't know what to switch to, so I stewed over it. I made food for my friends and roommates, they did the same for me. Social gatherings where food was involved, and my own downfall of being a social eater, made it so I slowly gained more weight back. 230 then 240, then 245.
I met Daniel, and we started dating. Summer came and went. Fall came and went. Daniel proposed to me and we planned for a wedding in April. The wedding came and went, and during the winter semester and after getting married, more weight started creeping up on me, 250, 255. Then the other day I saw 260 and nearly completely freaked out. I promised myself I would NEVER get back up to 275, and yet I was right on my way to getting there.
Here I am, two months after my wedding, going steadily towards three. I started reading more articles about exercise, and remembering the things the doctor on my mission told me to do in order to lose weight. I read a few blogs about people who lost weight to encourage myself, and today I started my new goal.
Now for my goal: I want to lose 5-10 pounds per month for at least 12 months
I want to get initially to 199 and maintain that, then keep going down until I get to 160(about 24.3 on the BMI scale), and maintain that. If I don't get down to 160, I want to at least have less than 35'' as my waist circumference.
I am currently at 257 pounds (Weighed just this morning) and can comfortably wear a size 24 jean.(which is about a 45" waistline)
The way I am going to meet my goal is to religiously enter in what I eat onto (Kind of like WeightWatchers, except for free.) and exercise 5 days a week for at least a half hour, alternating between strengthening exercises (As I've recently turned 25 and I'll lose muscle if I don't keep it up) cardio (Like walking and swimming) and things for fun.
I also plan to avoid sugar as much as possible when it is in unnatural states(I put sugary snacks in a cupboard I can only reach with a chair to help me. May put the cooking sugar there too). I also plan to cut back on my salt intake by not adding salt to food, or adding very little, and avoiding using it when I cook. I also plan to use the smallest utensil and plate/bowl available for my meals. (for example, I'm currently eating a cup of spaghetti on one of the dessert plates we have, using what my husband likes to call a "threek" which is a three pronged fork)
Support and encouragement is always welcome!
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