Her new mattress. This is as good a picture as I could get of her reaction when she first saw it. Feb. 3, 2015
Eating an E sized ice cream cone(with a little ice cream in it, if getting a new mattress wasn't enough...)
Enjoying cuddle time with Daddy, watching her favorite show. Feb. 7, 2015
The mattress and the frame together at last! Still not sleeping on the bed consistently, but now she can get used to it being there. Honestly, I'm not ready for her to sleep in a toddler bed, she'd be up and getting out of her room at all hours. For now, we give her the option of which bed she wants to sleep in, and so far she still chooses the crib/Pack n Play.
Yes, that is green grass. Yes it is February. Yes, it is very weird to me that my child can go outside in basically a t-shirt right now. Feb. 12, 2015
How much broccoli can a family of 2 adults and 1 toddler eat in a week? I don't know, but we're about to see if we can cram 20 pounds of it in before it goes bad... it might end up going to friends and family to help spread it around. Happy Valentine's Day to me! I get a box of broccoli! Feb. 14, 2015
E enjoying a pickled beet at Costco. She was wary of it until I told her that "Nana Nette likes pickled beets." Pretty sure she ate more of the sample than either Dan or me combined. Love her cheesy smiles!